“What’s for Dinner?” is a question that is asked millions of times a day. In South Africa they cry, “Wat is vir aandete?” in Jerusalem they call “מה יש לארוחת ערב?” In Iceland they yell “Hvað er í matinn?” In Korea they whine “저녁 메뉴는 뭐지?” In Ireland they lilt “cad don dinnéar?”And the retort to this question is always “I don’t know!” This response is normally followed with a heavy sigh and a sagging posture. Just when it’s time to stoop and take a break and do something for yourself, it is difficult to summon enough energy to cook, eat and clean.
We spend more time trying to figure out what to have for dinner than we do when making it. And when we finally get around to making something, we always make the same 10 things, or we end up with fast food delivery. Translated this becomes chicken strips, corn, spaghetti, chicken, meatloaf, hamburgers, chili dogs, cream tuna, rice or potatoes, hot dogs, breaded something, microwave anything or noodle surprise. And we describe it as "Braised leg of lamb in a port-reduction, grilled vegetables with a balsamic glaze and garlic & herb new potatoes." That will only be funny the first time you use it. But there are options.
“Dolly’s” quietly opened at the corner of Bronson and McLeod in the mid 1990’s. Business was slow and the original owner would sit after lunch with her mother, Dolly, and play cards to pass the time away. Dolly, as it turns out, was an exceptional card player. This was at least partly due to what her daughter referred to as Dolly’s poker or “stoneface”. The nickname stuck and Stoneface Dolly’s was purchased in 1999. Dolly’s evolved from a single diner into two unpretentious café’s serving home-style gourmet food with an international twist - the type of food you might serve guests at a dinner party. Stoneface Dolly’s is a casual and affordable restaurant catering to a local neighbourhood clientele of all ages. In the heart of Little Italy Ottawa, find us at 416 Preston Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 4M9 or 613 564-2222 or mailto:reservations@stonefacedollys.com.