He knew that something wasn’t working out well when it came to understanding How to Find Love, because the love he found was also the love he lost. He wasn’t miserable, but he could see it from his front door. The number one reason for loneliness is waiting for the right person to come along. People say, “Suck it up,” but that is no way to treat yourself. When you employ that as a strategy, you separate yourself from the pulse that will lead you to what you need to find. That line of thinking will keep you where you are, and haven’t you spent too much time alone in that empty room?
Welcome to the state of change that is the 21st Century. It’s a new beginning for everyone. Things have changed and opportunity abounds, if you are willing to get out and look for it. But before you run out the door, lets brush the crumbs off your jacket and tuck in your shirt. In other words, a series of events brought you to the point where you are reading this article. And what you did yesterday does not define you unless you repeat it tomorrow. How you see the world around you is defined by what you learned and what you learned was not necessarily your choice since most of it was absorbed when you were too young to understand choice, and it was the only game in town. It’s not your fault. But how you apply it, is.
In order for us to move forward, we need to unlearn a few things and add a few tools to our toolbox.
The first step is understanding yourself. This is easier than you think. With a few simple questions, you can get a whole new perspective on your situation. The Best Advice Your Mother Never Gave You gets to point immediately and provides simple and effective ideas to break you out of the stall, understand who you are and get you moving forward to the relationships that you want and need.