Dragon’s Den comes to Ottawa
The Dragon’s Den comes to Ottawa in the form of the FAB light, an invention by Linda Pond that was ground through the Dragon mill for the upcoming season. Of course we are not at liberty to divulge any particulars, because Linda was not at liberty to share, but it is exciting to be near the action.
We have all had moments when walking through a store, when we stopped dead in our tracks in disbelief because staring back at us was a new product for sale that we had created in our minds, years before. In most cases, this moment of stark awareness is closely followed by a voice in our heads that says, “I told you so!”
There are two interpretations of “I told you so.” The first is the voice of doubt and the second is your own internal voice that knows you were right. But you can only obey one.
You are not alone if you feel that you have failed to pursue a goal. You may have been sidetracked by circumstances, listened to the wrong advice, felt unworthy or perhaps you are a late bloomer. Human nature and is neither good nor bad, it just is. So, if you can forgive yourself for “failing,” then you can move forward.
Most of us stop pursuing our goals because we become overwhelmed with too many decisions and not enough information or guidance. Some of us do not know where to start and others do not know how to change their habits. As a Keynote Speaker, Inventor and Writer, Linda Pond has been there, and returned to share her experiences. Find her at 613-253-0240, 613-668-0280, lpond@lindaleepond.com