Get Storied-Help For Entrepreneurs

At Get Storied, we are evangelists for the global storytelling movement and authors of the The New About Me. Here at Get Storied, we’re a hub for the business of storytelling: teaching entrepreneurs how to tell their story. Whether that’s how you raise money, attract customers, build a brand, gather a tribe, or redefine your industry. Our own tribe includes thousands of creative’s and change-makers that believe in the power of storytelling to transform the world.

It all began in 2009 with our Storytelling Manifesto, Believe Me, a book enjoyed by 10,000 fans around the world. As an education and media company, we produce how-to programs and online events that teach how to apply storytelling to entrepreneurship. We cover topics like branding, innovation, social media, and even personal development as part of the journey. We geek-out on tools and strategies for building a platform that can get your story to travel and engage your tribe. And we collaborate with many partners including CopyBlogger, BlogWorld, Social Media Club, Tech Soup, ThoughtLead, PSFK, and Young Entrepreneurs Council.

We consult selectively to leading brands such as NASA, Omnicom and Audubon on game-changing initiatives. We also do private 1-on-1 coaching for entrepreneurs and thought leaders that have a really big story to tell. And we love to advise on visionary cultural efforts like Zappos Insights, the National Storytelling Festival and The 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. We’ve created Story University as an online learning platform with curriculum for entrepreneurs. Our latest program, The New About Me, teaches you how to talk about yourself, online. We also produce the Reinvention Summit, a virtual conference online with 30 speakers and 500 participants. This is one of the most comprehensive learning events on storytelling in the world. You can join us for our next summit scheduled in November 2011.

Hey! I’m Michael Margolis, organizer of the Reinvention Summit and chief instigator at Get Storied. People often ask how I came to be obsessed with storytelling. I was born in Ohio, raised in Switzerland and Los Angeles. Today, I call New York City my home. My father is an inventor, born in the bush of Africa. My mother is a teacher, artist, and toy designer, from the arctic tundra of upstate New York. To put it mildly, my family’s lovingly…different. So despite a charmed childhood creating pirate ships out of super junk, I forever felt lost in translation and struggled to find my place. Seeking answers, I studied cultural anthropology, business, and comparative religion. Realizing that I was “unemployable”, I stumbled into a career as a social entrepreneur, co-founding two nonprofits before the age of 23. I experienced my share of fast success along with a healthy share of failure. These early endeavors came to a screeching halt due to a series of severe blood clots. In the process of healing, I embarked on a journey of discovery that took me from acupuncture and herbs to yogis and shamans. As I rewired my brain and rewrote my life, I came to realize the stories we tell make the world.

In 2002, I started a brand consultancy to help organizations change and adapt their culture. Storytelling was a core methodology of my work with AARP, Ernst & Young, Marriott, The Nature Conservancy, and the YWCA. A painful divorce in 2009 turned everything upside down. Broke and on the verge of bankruptcy, I walked away from my business and once again reinvented myself. In 2009, I wrote Believe Me, a Storytelling Manifesto for Change-makers, and established Get Storied as a global educational platform. During the last two years, I’ve been on a mission to democratize storytelling for the new age of communications. Everybody has a story. Our deepest desire is to express that story. Getting others to believe in your story opens the door to creative and financial freedom., 212 777 0813, for Entrepreneur Help, Small Business Help, Entrepreneurship Issues and Young Entrepreneurs or How to Start a Small Business, email

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